Point-like Objects in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are (one standard deviation figures):

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Parallax Radial Velocity Variable?
  (deg) (deg) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)  
P02395 2.446 -38.237 2.38e-132.08e-131.38e-13 0.072 -0.02 No
P06175 5.271 -2.984 7.45e-144.53e-142.45e-14 0.011 -0.88 No
P04428 7.776 -2.438 1.75e-101.62e-101.26e-10 0.053 -0.27 Light Curve
P04608 10.811 -0.103 6.10e-133.54e-131.90e-13 0.023 -0.59 No
P07139 11.974 -20.137 8.70e-107.76e-106.26e-10 0.118 0.07 Light Curve
P07499 11.976 -4.446 2.25e-121.31e-126.19e-13 0.028 -0.50 No
P04359 12.738 -4.989 1.27e-166.96e-173.17e-17 0.019 -0.70 No
P02883 13.304 -10.195 8.59e-135.67e-133.22e-13 0.046 -0.25 No
P03705 13.472 -2.383 1.01e-125.43e-132.64e-13 0.021 -0.63 No
P05402 15.437 -6.618 2.74e-153.25e-153.08e-15 0.028 -0.49 No
P06342 17.757 -4.597 4.14e-164.89e-164.45e-16 0.008 -0.86 No
P06170 18.368 -1.288 8.44e-163.89e-161.79e-16 0.046 -0.18 No
P03553 19.822 -4.965 2.08e-131.39e-137.93e-14 0.030 -0.46 No
P04068 20.087 -17.550 7.52e-143.55e-141.61e-14 0.118 0.03 No
P02527 21.338 -0.907 8.38e-159.25e-158.28e-15 0.037 -0.29 No
P03029 25.362 -13.570 2.00e-131.46e-138.85e-14 0.034 -0.28 No
P03017 26.250 -11.465 2.99e-161.57e-166.70e-17 0.021 -0.45 No
P01888 26.222 -6.087 4.68e-132.85e-131.52e-13 0.028 -0.35 No
P07047 29.160 -9.697 5.75e-116.43e-115.56e-11 0.034 -0.28 Light Curve
P04642 29.482 -18.573 1.49e-141.74e-141.65e-14 0.061 0.04 No
P04828 30.266 -8.301 2.44e-142.16e-141.67e-14 0.035 -0.17 No
P00656 31.299 -9.500 7.67e-158.60e-157.78e-15 0.042 -0.18 No
P03825 33.495 -6.119 3.45e-142.40e-141.53e-14 0.018 -0.46 Light Curve
P02236 34.723 -4.743 3.24e-153.66e-153.28e-15 0.022 -0.41 No
P07202 38.178 -17.751 5.55e-156.05e-155.79e-15 0.038 -0.16 No
P03219 38.735 -2.975 8.21e-105.36e-103.12e-10 0.113 0.14 No
P03885 39.030 -6.367 5.38e-123.29e-121.69e-12 0.079 0.17 No
P01149 39.640 -6.520 5.94e-145.15e-143.51e-14 0.037 -0.17 No
P06378 40.597 -10.625 6.02e-133.93e-132.55e-13 0.053 0.03 No
P04167 42.566 -1.255 7.78e-156.30e-154.64e-15 0.014 -0.47 No
P00594 42.955 -12.322 3.40e-151.61e-156.63e-16 0.029 -0.28 No

Fuzzy Things in this image

Note - positive radial velocities indicate objects moving away from us.

Red flux is measured at 0.7 microns, green at 0.5 microns and blue at 0.44 microns.

Uncertainties are:

Click here for the data in the following table in text format, suitable for loading into Excel or other programs.
Name X Y Blue Flux Green Flux Red Flux Size Radial Velocity
  (deg) (deg) (W/m^2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (W/m2/nm) (arcsec) (km/s)